“Why is it so hard to get CX at the top of the agenda in my organization?” “How can I create more sense of urgency for CX?” “It feels like I’m the only one who truly cares about CX.” Sounds familiar? These are some of the FAQ’s I receive from people responsible for CX in […]

Fueling energizing transformation? Don’t forget to check the brakes!
In recent years I have been fortunate to implement my methodology across 18 countries. Not only an amazing personal journey, but also one that helped me experiment and learn in further developing a successful approach for CX transformation. In this blog I’d like to share these lessons learned with you, so you can benefit from […]

To ‘map’ or not to ‘map’ the customer journey…
Customer journey mapping has become a core element of the customer experience field. Yet… there is still a huge challenge to truly add value for the organisation with journey mapping. The last few weeks I notice a common theme in my keynotes and the conversations I have about customer experience. And that’s the struggle I […]

How the new Corona context can fuel your experience transformation success
Corona seems to strengthen our (unjust) belief that urgent, daily issues are disconnected from improving customer- and employee experience. Looking back to all the conversations I’ve had about experience and Corona in the last few months, there is one central topic that seems to pop up. A central topic exposing a misconception when it comes […]

Download Customer Experience Framework
The Customer Experience field can be kind of daunting. To create some clarity in the “experience swamp” I’ve created this download for you containing my customer experience framework. DOWNLOAD THE PDF CONTAINING THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE FRAMEWORK. It contains three sheets: Comparison of a product-, customer- or human centric organisation. The latter to me is the […]

Energized virtual journey workshops (and other virtual sessions)
Due to the current Corona challenges, it was time to get creative. Normally we run the journey workshops live with a group of 10-15 participants from each department of the organisation. But this of course was not an option. So we ran an experiment and our conclusion: it worked very well! Even with 14 participants […]

The 5 types of Experience series (1): Brand Experience is your compass
Do you remember in the previous blog, that only 5-10% of companies are truly good at CX, even though 85% claim it has top priority? Besides the NPS that is often unconsciously misused, there are other reasons why this percentage is more or less static. In order to successfully move to a more customer and […]

Customer Experience needs journeys and drivers to make a difference (5 types series – part 2)
Using the compass of your brand experience from the previous blog, you can now start thinking about the experience you want to give your customers. Here, you combine what you want your brand to be, with topics that your customers themselves have identified as being key for a top experience. The crux of customer experience? […]

Employee Experience is just as relevant as customer experience (5 types series – part 3)
Of the 5 types, employee experience is still the most overlooked, though I’m glad to say that it’s been gaining attention recently. Before delving into the scope of employee experience, I’d like to share with you a bit more of the underlying context. And that is, that I would like to see organizations becoming more […]

Service Experience holds the key to make an easy business case for experience (5 types series – part 4)
Have the previous 3 types of experience helped you gain clarity in your organization about what’s what, and who plays what role in improving the experience? Type 4 goes one step further again in unraveling the experience spaghetti. Service experience comes into play as soon as I, as a customer or employee, contact the organization […]